“In the long history of humankind (and animal kind, too) those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed.” – Charles Darwin
$10+ M+
Community Partners
Kids Served
We’re also fortunate to have the support of many of Canada’s top financial institutions and corporations, who return each year to support our signature event. A big thank you to TD Securities who is a major supporter.

Thank you to the very generous individuals who chose to support The Yellow Bus Foundation each year!
Board of Directors
The YBF Board of Directors thoroughly reviews each grant proposal that comes its way. It spends hours on the evaluation process and does site visits, phone interviews, etc. – ensuring the necessary details to decide which grants to fund is complete. Each application is based on how many people will be affected by the funds. These are not easy decisions and all of the applicants have a worthy cause. When you have finite resources you must perform a detailed analysis about how organizations will spend the money and about where the greatest needs lie. Our Board takes this process to heart. The goal is to make a BIG impact on a small number of children’s charities each year.

John Bellamy
Past President
John is the head of Institutional Sales and a founding partner of Paradigm Capital.

Kim Carrigan
Executive Director
Kim works part time as the Foundation Manager and has been in the non profit sector for over 20 years.

Rupert Hamilton
Rupert is a Vice-President and Investment Advisor at TD Wealth where he has worked for the last 13 years.

Mark A. Kinney
Mark Kinney is one of the founders of Newport Private Wealth with over 25 years of experience in the financial industry.

Scott MacNicol
Scott MacNicol has over 29 years experience in the investment industry.

Sean McCowan
Sean is a Director at Cormark Securities and was Managing Director at TD Securities for 7 years prior.

Colin Stewart
Colin Stewart is the Chief Executive Officer, a Director and a Portfolio Manager at JCClark Ltd., a Toronto based independent investment firm that he co-founded in 2001.

Tim Cormode
Founder and CEO, Power To Give
Tim Cormode began his social impact career as the Founder and CEO of Power To Be. Wanting to combine his love for the outdoors with his social work experience, Tim launched Power To Be 24 years ago with a simple yet powerful idea: Imagine the impact nature can have on youth and families living with a barrier.